The Newsletter of the Friends of Silent Film Association Katsukichi Issue No. 133 has been released
The Newsletter of the Friends of Silent Film Association Katsukichi Issue No. 134 has been released.
The lead story is an article entitled gOROCHI! A night of Chambara x Orchestrah which includes a story by a composer and a saxophone player Mr. Shimizu Yasuaki. Sawato Midori's column, Tamura Akiko's gNew York Cinema Newsh, Katsuben novel gUkiyogurumah are also included. The popular series gLost Cinematic Masterpiecesh takes up Mr. Nippon (directed by Murata Minoru), the first film of the Nippon trilogy.
Katsukichi is issued quarterly (January, April, July and October) and is printed in monochrome on 8 pages of B5 size paper. Price per issue is 100 yen (including tax) plus 80 yen for postage. (It is folded in three for mailing.)
To subscribe to Katsukichi, please send 180 yen worth of stamps with a note that says "Subscription to Katsukichi Issue No. 134" to the address below
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For those living outside of Japan, please send two international reply stamps.
Matsuda Film Productions
3-18-4 Towa, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0003
Tel.: 03-3605-9981
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Katsukichi - Newsletter of the Friends of Silent Film Association Back Issues
Katsukichi, Issue No. 133
Published: July 2008
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, " Friends of Silent Film Association commemorative 600th screening ? Silent Films Forever!" (Kondo Tatsuro), Sawato Midori's column, Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 17 (Sakurai Mami), Katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" vol.85, Tamura Akiko's "New York Cinema News", "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces"= Kanashimi no Kyoku, etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 132
Published: April 2008
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Dawn of Japanese Animation: a screening with katsuben by Ms. Sawato Midori in New York." (Nagasawa Aya, Japan Society), Sawato Midori's column, Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 16 (Sakamoto Raiko), Katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" vol.84, Tamura Akiko's "New York Cinema News", "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces"= Bunmei no Fukushu, Hyoushigi, etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 131
Published: January 2008
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Sharing the magic of Japanese classic motion pictures with the world." (Larry Greenberg), Sawato Midori's column, Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 15 (Saito Yuko), Katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" vol.83, Tamura Akiko's "New York Cinema News", "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces"= Katawa Hina, Hyoshigi: reports on the performance of Kaeru no Kai, etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 130
Published: October 2007
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Sawato Midori and Tokkan Kozou." (by Shiratori Akane), , (by Kataoka Ichiro), < katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" vol.82>, < Tamura Akiko's "New York Cinema News">, = Riku no Ouja, etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 129
Published: July 2007
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, A film critic, "Silent Films: Experiencing the Real Live Performance." (by Yamada Kazuo), <Sawato Midori's essay>, <Up-and-coming Benshi Diary, vol.13> (by Sakurai Mami), < katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" vol.81>, < Tamura Akiko's "New York Cinema News">, <Lost Cinematic Masterpieces> = Nigeyuku Kodenji, etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 128
Published: April 2007
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Memories of your childhood dreams and promises upon the release of 'Japanese Anime Classic Collection'" (Honma Masayuki), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 12" (Sakamoto Raiko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 80, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Gubijinso (Field Poppy), etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 127
Published: January 2007
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Makino Eiga to Namiki Kyotaro Kantoku" (Yamagiwa Eizo), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 11" (Saito Yuko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 79, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Wakodo no Yume (Dreams of Youth), etc. |
Katsukichi, Issue No. 126
Published: October 2006
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Sawato-san to Watashi, Soshite Eiga..." (Ando Kohei), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 10" (Kataoka Ichiro), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 78, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Jasei no In (Obscenity of the Viper), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 125
Published: July 2006
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes leading story, "Release of Bantsuma: Bando Tsumasaburo no Shogai (Bantsuma: The Life of Tsumasaburo Bando) on DVD," Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 9" (Sakamoto Raiko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 77, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Kaikokuki (Tales from a Country by the Sea), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 124
Published: April 2006
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes leading story, "'Vienna in 1920s:
The Era of Silent Films" (Message by Peter Moser, the Ambassador
of the Republic of Austria to Japan), Sawato Midori's column,
"Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 8" (Sakamoto Raiko), katsuben
novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 76, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema
News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Tengoku ni Musubu
Koi (Lovers in the Beyond), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 123
Published: January 2006
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes leading story, "'Silent Films are
Great." (Tachikawa Shiraku), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming
Benshi Diary: Part 7" (Saito Yuko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 75, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" - Kasahari Kenpo, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 122
Published: October 2005
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes leading story, "'Midori' Connection"
(Kawasaki Kenko, literary critic), Sawato Midori's column,
"Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 6" (Kataoka Ichiro), katsuben
novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 74, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema
News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Kare wo Meguru Gonin
no Onna, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 121
Published: July 2005
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes leading story, "'Kurama Tengu'
and Kimura Fujio" (Jin Hideo, senior curator of the Sekisho
Museum of Art), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi
Diary: Part 5" (Yamazaki Vanilla), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 73, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" - Sonno, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 120
Published: April 2005
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Contribution to the publication of The Great Japanese Silent Movie Stars" (Kato Hisanori, film critic), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 4" (Sakurai Mami), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 72, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Mushibameru Haru (Moth-eaten Spring), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 119
Published: January 2004
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "The Back of Musei" (Hamada Kengo, writer), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 3" (Sakamoto Raiko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 71, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Tonami Chohachiro, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 118
Published: October 2004
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Sawato Midori Narrates
an Action Series at Her Alma Mater" (Okamura Tamio, Hosei
University professor), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming
Benshi Diary: Part 2" (Saito Yuko), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 70, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" - Hoyo (The Last Embrace), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 117
Published: July 2004
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "The Benshi Comes to America" (William Burton, Tufts University professor), Sawato Midori's column, "Up-and-coming Benshi Diary: Part 1" (Kataoka Ichiro), katsuben novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 69, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Tsubaki Hime (Princess Tsubuki), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 116
Published: April 2004
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Katsuben for Hana-bi" (Endo Keizo, broadcast writer), Sawato Midori's column, "It May Not Be Much, But It's Kamishibai" - 50 (Akiyama Hoei), "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News" - Screening of the Oldest Horror Film in the UK, "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Kobo Shinsengumi, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 115
Published: January 2004
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "A 2004 Silent Film: Bakumatsu Tosei Ibun: Tsukitaro Nagaregumo (Winter Ghost) - Making the Dream a Reality" (Ishimori Fumio, screenwriter), Sawato Midori's column, "Great Successes" (Yukawa Hiroshi), katsuben novel No. 67 - Ukiyoguruma, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Obotchan, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 114
Published: October 2003
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Included lead story, "Going to See Sawato
Midori" (Akiyama Noboru, Movie Critic), Sawato Midori's column,
"It May Not Be Much, It's Kamishibai," "Tamura Akiko's New
York Cinema News," - "Recalling the Treasures of Animated
Films," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces"-Chigo no Kenpo,
etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 113
Published: July 2003
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Recalling the Treasures
of Japanese Cinema - The Film Is Not the Only Thing That
Was Lost" (Okamura Yoichi, Actor and DJ), Sawato Midori's
column, "'The World of Gaito Kamishibai' Exhibition - The
Excitement of Kamishibai" (Sasaki Akiko), "Katsuben Novel:
'Ukiyoguruma' No. 65," "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News,"
"Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Katsushika Sunako,
etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 112
Published: April 2003
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Ozu Yasujiro to Mie-ken (Ozu Yasujiro and Mie Prefecture)" (Tanaka Shinobu, Director, Mie Cinema Festival 2003 Planning Committee), Sawato Midori's column, "It May Not Be Much, But It's Kamishibai" (Akiyama Hoei), "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," - "When Godzilla Came Ashore...", "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" - Budotaikan, etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 111
Published: January 2003
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Subarashiki Katsuben
no Sekai (The Wonderful World of Katsuben)" (Watanabe Toshio,
General Manager of NHK Satellite Film Theater), Sawato Midori's
column, Katsukichi News, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News,"
"Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" (Jihi Shincho (The Cuckoo)),
etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 110
Published: October 2002
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Sawato Midori's Overseas
Tour Diary Published" (Maemura Kazuo, Tokyo Shimbun Broadcast
Arts reporter), Katsuben Novel "Ukiyoguruma" No. 62, Katsukichi
News, series, "It May Not Be Much, But It's Kamishibai Life
- Part 44" (Akiyama Hoei), "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" (Shinsengumi
Elegy), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 109
Published: July 2002
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "The Bantsuma Film
Festival - Record of Success" (Nagata Minoru, Shinbungeiza
manager), Sawato Midori's column, Katsuben Novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 61, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News - The Truth about
Thomas Ince's Death," "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces" (Jinsei
no Fusha (Windmill of Life)), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 108
Published: April 2002
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "The Publication of
'Benshi - Japanese Silent Film Narrators'" (Ishii Masami,
Assistant Professor, Tokyo Gakugei University), Sawato Midori's
column, Katsukichi News, "It May Not Be Much, But It's Kamishibai
Life - Part 42" (Akiyama Hoei), "Lost Cinematic Masterpieces"
(Issatsu Tashoken (The Sword That Killed One and Saved Many)),
etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 107
Published: January 2002
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "A Festival of Silent
Film" (Komatsu Hiroshi, Film Historian, Professor, Department
of Literature, Waseda University), Sawato Midori's column
- "At a Town in Nornthern Italy," Katsuben Novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 59, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" (Matenro Sotohen), etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 106
Published: October 2001
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "Shunsui and Sawato
Midori," (Shirai Yoshio, film critic), "Full House! Kaeru
no Kai Grand Tour," Katsukichi News, Katsuben Novel "Ukiyoguruma"
No. 58, "Tamura Akiko's New York Cinema News," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" (Boseki ga Ibiki Suru Koro (When the Grave Snores)),
etc. |
Katsukichi Issue No. 105
Published: July 2001
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "The Allure of Okochi
Denjiro" (Kajita Akira, Film Historian), Sawato Midori's column
- "On the Reprinted Edition of Taki no Shiraito (The Water
Magician)," Katsukichi News, "It May Not Be Much, But It's
Kamishibai Life - Part 39" (Akiyama Hoei), "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" (Karakuri Musume (The Mischievous Girl)), etc.
Katsukichi Issue No. 104
Published: April 2001
B5 size; 8 pages; one-color printing
Price: 100 yen (including tax)
Shipping: 80 yen (issue sent folded in three)
Includes lead story, "We of the Chaplin
Era" (Ono Hiroyuki, Film Researcher), Sawato Midori's column
- "Wishing for a Brand New Silent Film," "Hiro Yasuda's New
York Cinema News - William Randolph Hearst," "Lost Cinematic
Masterpieces" (Kuchibue wo Fuku Bushi (The Whistling Samurai)),
etc. |
Top of Page

Total Price: 1,050 yen (Price: 1,000 yen plus 50 yen tax) each
Shipping: 200 yen
*The original copies of issues 1,
2, and 3 are sold out, so these issues are copy machine copies.
Bound Set 1 - Nos. 1-20
Bound Set 2 - Nos. 21-40
Bound Set 3 - Nos. 41-60
Bound Set 4 - Nos. 61-80
Bound Set 5 - Nos. 81-100
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