The procedures below cover adjusting your browser settings
to make sure your Order Form, Friends of Silent Film Association Member
Application, or Simple Estimate Form sends properly with the following
browsers. (1) For customers using Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows) Click on "Tools" on your browser's toolbar and select "Internet Options."
Select the "Programs" tab.
In the "Email" box on the menu, select the type of e-mail software you are currently using.
Your browser set up is complete. @ *For customers using Outlook Express
(2) For customers using Internet Explorer 5 (Macintosh) Click on "Edit" on your desktop menu bar, and select "Default Settings."
Select "General" under "Email" from the box on the left and enter the appropriate settings in the boxes on the right. (Refer to your current service provider contract for the proper settings). Your browser set up is complete. |